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Creating the Water Garden continued This will have notes about the ongoing equipment added to the pond.

On April 24, 2019, I bought a new Aquascape Ultra water pump Model 800, which is to pump 800 gph, for $183.89 from Wildwood Outdoor Living (Cannor). I got a few parts I needed to connect it to the waterfall on the splitter, from Bartle and Gibson. Hooked it all up and set the flow to go out to the waterfall, attached the old filter, put it all into a plastic mesh bag, attached to a string so I can bring it up without pulling on the cord. Plugged the cord into the additional plugin post (the 25 ft. cord is not long enough to reach the plugin) and turned it on. The flow is just right. I will have to be more vigilant about keeping the filter clean as the flow has slowed down a bit now on May 9th.
The humming birds and others seem to like the top rock of the waterfall flow to have baths, an added delight of this water feature. As I had to dig up the cord, I took this opportunity to relevel and set the rocks and cement blocks along the deck side of the pond. Earlier I had fixed the other sides of the pond edging, removing the cement blocks that went around one side of the old plum tree, as the plum tree had been removed. The pond gets much more light now. The plants around the pond are filling in nicely.

On June 21, 2019, I bought a Floating solar fountain from Wildwood Nurseries (Cannor) for $21.00. It was marked at $60.00, so who could resist? Its battery runs on the energy from its little solar panel. Its a cute little gizmo for the pond, and adds a bit more aeration to the water. It needs to be in the direct sun to work, though.

On December 11, 2020 I ordered a Pond Boss Spillway: Dimensions: 14.5 in. x 10.5 in. x 6 in. (L x W x H) with 8 in. spillway opening. Fits 3/4 and 1 in. ID tubing, on ebay. Cost $58.80 USD - approximately $75.13 CAD. Might get it before the end of the year.

As at January 2024 the solar fountain needs to be replaced

a link to my blogpost of June 12, 2021 about the installation of the Spillway and creation of the new waterfalls in April of 2021.

A link to my you tube video of the waterfall. See below for the embedded video.

From 2019 the Pond Surrounds information will be in the new album. The water garden will be the area from the stepping stones, along the dry stream to the deck, the lantern, then across in front of the deck to the evergreens, the waterfall and then along the yews back to the stepping stones. It will have the plants, the fish, the water fall and renovations to the paths. The Deck Garden Room will have the patio plants, the rhodos, and everything under the deck, as well as the tub and everything on top of the deck. The Moss Garden Room will be the area from the round stepping stone path (including the Primulas) over to the field stone path. Some of the plants may overlap in the albums.

In early December 2024 my pond sprang a leak. Later in December the pond level went even lower and I lost the fish that I had saved out of the pond. I revised my contract with Larix Landscaping and they are to be here January 6, 2025 to begin the rebuild of the pond, pond surrounds, and the waterfall.

The fish This is a continuation of pond and tubs section on the old Water Page and will be about the Fish.

As of May 2019 I seem to have a good stock of gold fish: comets, shubunkins, and sarasa. I counted 15 of them last year and they seem to be reproducing as I saw some small black ones recently. The comets are the biggest at least 6 inches, with the rest of the older ones not far behind. There is lots of water grass, the marsh marigold, bog beans, the water hawthorn (seems to be contantly in bloom), and the irises in the pots. I have just added a globe flower in a gallon pot on top of the bog bean pot, and it seems to be surviving.
In August of 2019, upon returning from our Sask. trip, I refilled the pond and forgot that I had the water running. I added too much chlorinated water and killed my fish (at least 5 nice big ones and a couple dozen small ones) and killed the under water plants. Since then I have some de-chlorination stuff from the Pet Store at Broadmead. Wildwood (Cannor) has no fish and will not have any until April, 2020. I purchased an under water plant from Mitchell Farms. On August 24 I added 6 fish. 2 brownish gold, 1 light gold with white bottom, 2 sarasa like orange on white. a comet like one with white and gold spot on its tail; from Creatures Great and Small. Aug. 31st I got 4 shubunkins from Pet's West at Broadmead.

In mid-April, 2021 a great blue heron ate all of my beautifull fish. The end of June and beginning of July I added 4 (2-3")commets - 2 white, 2 gold with 1 gold one for the tub, from Cannor. In emptying the tub from in the woodland I found that there was 1 of the goldfish in there. Beginning of July 2021 I got 4 feeder goldfish (about 1 inch long) and 2 (3 - 4") shubunkins from Creatures. On July the 4th I waded into the pond and dredged out a couple of small pailsfull of dead leaves, twigs, etc. Clipped the dead blossoms and leaves off the water plants. I threw the out the rocks that had fallen into the pond. Skimmed off the pond. Then I levelled the rocks along the deck side, and put the dead leaves, etc along the side of these rocks by the Wulfenie plants. So, as of July 4, 2021, I have 8 goldfish (3 white 3 gold), and 2 big shubunkins in the pond. Elvis lives, again in the deck tub. The water is brownish. I hope this helps clean up the green algae bloom. I had purchased some Disolv stuff to add to the water, earlier. I do hope this clean up does the trick.
On November 14 - 15, 2023, after I had skimmed off the pond and threw out old hycinths and more water under-water plants the blue heron discovered the fish again and came to clean them all up. They were all getting pretty big by this time, especially the white ones. We had a screen on the tub and it was all torn off, and Elvis is gone, too. The plants in the tub had suffered some terrible damage, especially the water lily. I threw out the water clover because it is a very invasive plant. I won't be getting any new fish until the Spring time. I will need to get more tomato cages to put around in the pond pots, too.
January 29, 2024 - This morning I saw the tiny sarossa or shubunkin at the surface of the pond. It might be an inch long. It does not seem to be growing at all.
A link to my youtube video of the Heron on the deck railing checking out the fish situation on January 7, 2010.

The old Japanese Garden
This will continue as the moss garden room and the the deck garden room and the Pond Surrounds with new plants added as on the Plant Lists page

I have attempted to create a tiny Japanese style garden around the pond. I want to extend this look to the space under the deck that is now looking rather sparse and bare in spots.

On the west side of the pond I have a 'dry stream' that starts in a tiny pond of pea gravel and runs back under the deck. The lantern sits in the tiny dry pond surrounded by rocks, a big rhodo, ferns, moss, a lovely mossy rock, a small cut leaf, red Japanese maple, minature bamboo, mountain azalyea, a spruce that remains small and tightly held together, snow drops in the spring, too many violets, a miniature boxwood that keeps itself in check, plus a few other smaller precious plants. Right next to the pond a small Lebanon cedar overhangs the pond. There are cement blocks along 3 edges for firm footing. The fourth edge is next to the waterfall and 'there be dragons' It has a larger evergreen, sedum, lambs ears, and is quite wild. The north side is very tame with small round, clipped boxwood in front of yews. The south side is in shade and borders the deck and the west mossy area. The southwest has a large cedar hedge at the boundary of my propety.

I have some choice edging rock/alpine plants that are spreading to cover the 'rock necklace' of my pond.

This area needs quite a bit of attention to keep it looking right. It is mostly shaded and is a good counterpoint to the water in the pond. Its a very relaxing, shady place to sit and think or rest.

Since the revision of this page in 2017, the area surrouding the pond that I am calling the Japanese like area has had many corrections/renovations. The rhodo has been removed and replaced with cement blocks as an observation spot. At the back of this spot more stepping stones lead under the deck. The moss and ferns are growing nicely here along with other plants that like to live in the shade. The little boxwood has also been removed as it has outgrown the space allowed for it. The little cedar remains just in front of the Japanese lantern, which is now covered with moss. The dry stream is becoming nicely lined with moss as it curves under the deck and gets lost under the ferns and ends at a mossy log.
As of May 2019: What I am now calling the moss/Japanese garden encompasses the area that is along the stepping stones from the old sidewalk, over to the stepping stones that surround that edge of the water garden. The area is more or less in shade of the Harry Lauder walking stick nut tree, the little bamboo, and the lily of the valley shrub. There is now a miniature pine tree, the little Japanese red maple, a mountain laural (Kalmia latifolia) a small shrub in the moss garden. The primula bed starts at the old sidewalk and follows the stepping stones, around one side of the moss garden. There is moss and Corsican mint around the stepping stones. There is a small hosta, quite a few Primulas (Polyanthus?) and 3 new Asiatic Primulas just planted this year and what looks like a Primula marginata or auricola. There is a new anemonella thalictroides double white just beneath the rhodo by the deck post. There are also 2 epimediums and a blue hepatica, a chocolate lily that is forming a nice bunch, and a lovely snap dragon that has over wintered. A rock fern grows by the cement block of the deck support post, and a pink hepatica near the dry stream. There are 2 bunches of snowdrops that look like reeds after blooming, near the dry stream. The moss extends throughout the area, covers a large rock, and the Japanese lantern, going along the dry stream and under the deck and the ferns there. The astilbes and the pink flowering lily of the valley grow by the moss covered lantern and the big old stump that sits just under the edge of the deck with the Japanese aralia behind them. There is wulfini, and London Pride sedum, growing along one side with the Clematis, on the other side of the cement blocks and climbing up to the water feature on the deck. There is a new heuchera at the edge of the observation platform, just at the edge of the deck. On the waterfall side of the pond there is foxgloves, dutch irises, a large yellow flowering plant that looks good by the water. I am afraid I have lost its name. The waterfall side of the pond is backed by taller evergreens that provide some privacy from the neighbours, and along the deck they become the cedar hedge, that has been thrashed by these nasty neighbours. Along the side the steps up to the deck I have 3 rhododendrons and a white azalyea. A bigger hosta, an arum that is spreading around, a dark maroon colored hellebore and a white flowering one, with the rhodos. I am slowly moving these hellebores under the deck as they are crowding out the rhodos. There are field stone stepping stones through the moss to the dry stream under the deck, that lead to the sitting spot under the deck. There is a new rhodo on the other side of the steps with a special fern in front of it and the old camillia behind it. The ferns are now just unfurling their leaves and growing up through the lush moss. I let the Welsh poppies self seed where ever they can in the moss for a fine splash of gold. The sweet woodruff (galium odoratum) is starting to grow in the deep shade, carpeting any open areas in green with white blossoms. There is a small variegated shrub that I try to keep trimmed to a smaller size, along the dry stream. Also along the drystream I have placed mossy wood pieces set to form a log. The plant with the white blossoms (Polygonatum) hangs its racemes over the dry stream from the other side of the mossy log. There are plastic stepping stones from the observation platform under the edge of the deck (duck your head) and down to the sitting area beside the house.

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Created: January 24, 2024. Last revised: January 13, 2025.