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This will be the plants in the pond. It is the list page of the plants in the pond and in the tub on the deck.

This will be the photo album for the plants in the pond and in the tub on the deck.

Add daily stuff in here on a continuing basis as on the Water pages.

This will be the predators in the pond

The Blue Herons, the Racoons and others I have not seen, take a toll on my fish. I once had a river otter in the pond.
A link to my youtube video of the Heron on the deck railing checking out the fish situation on January 7, 2010.

This will be the Fish in the pond

The information on this page will follow the last post on the new water garden page, being: On November 14 - 15, 2023, after I had skimmed off the pond and threw out old hycinths and more water under-water plants the blue heron discovered the fish again and came to clean them all up. They were all getting pretty big by this time, especially the white ones. We had a screen on the tub and it was all torn off, and Elvis is gone, too. The plants in the tub had suffered some terrible damage, especially the water lily. I threw out the water clover because it is a very invasive plant. I won't be getting any new fish until the Spring time. I will need to get more tomato cages to put around in the pond pots, too.
January 29, 2024 - This morning I saw the little sarossa or shubunkin zipping around at the top of the pond. It is about an inch long. It does not seem to be growing at all.
May 12, 2024: after cleaning up the pond and cleaning the filter on the pump, I saw one big white fish, 2 bigger gold ones, a little white one and a little gold one. They are very wary about coming to the top, but they do show up now and then after I have fed them. I have the irises in the deck tub sort of set up... they need more work. I will only be getting a couple of gold fish for the tub and perhaps a shubunkin or two.
August 17, 2024 - Have the deck tub cleaned up, with one of the irises repotted. Dumped out the green water that was in the pond and refilled it. The lily is ok and has its leaves at the top of the filled pond. I have added Two 1.5 inch gold fish (comets) to the pond. From now on I will be getting my fish from Mr. Pets in the Tillicum Mall. There seems to be 2 big gold fish, 2 big white colored gold fish, a medium sized sarasa, a small gold fish, and another small one, might be a sarasa. There are probably others that I have not seen. These fish are very wary and I only get glimpses of them when they come up for the food. And so I need to keep the pond fairly full of plants for them to hide under. I repaired the pond skimmer a few days ago and skimmed off the pond. The bog beans need to be trimmed back yet as they are crowding out the water hawthorn. The waterfall is level and is running nicely.

This information is on the Water 2020 page I will keep it all on this page, for easy access.

a link to my blogpost of June 12, 2021 about the installation of the Spillway and creation of the new waterfalls in April of 2021.

A link to my you tube video of the waterfall. See below for the embedded video.

From 2019 the Pond Surrounds information will be in the new album. The water garden will be the area from the stepping stones, along the dry stream to the deck, the lantern, then across in front of the deck to the evergreens, the waterfall and then along the yews back to the stepping stones. It will have the plants, the fish, the water fall and renovations to the paths. The Deck Garden Room will have the patio plants, the rhodos, and everything under the deck, as well as the tub and everything on top of the deck. The Moss Garden Room will be the area from the round stepping stone path (including the Primulas) over to the field stone path. Some of the plants may overlap in the albums.

The fish This is a continuation of pond and tubs section on the old Water Page and will be about the Fish, the Plants and Predators in the water garden room.

The old Japanese Garden
This will continue as the moss garden room and the the deck garden room and the Pond Surrounds with new plants added as on the Plant Lists page

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created January 30, 2024
Updated: August 18, 2024.